Supplements are specifically formulated for cats and their special needs. Promotes urinary tract health with real cranberry and herbal extracts. Keeps your cat's urine acidic, which helps flush toxins, impurities and excessive mineral deposits out of the body. Helps prevent "blocked cat" syndrome. 60 chewable tabs.
Customer Reviews
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by Anonymous on December 16, 2010
This works wonders! Found out about it from a friend after I kept taking my male cat to the vet over and over again...he hasn't needed a visit in 3 yrs!! Loves the pills and waits for me every morning to get one...if he is in the box and excessive amount I just give him another and that's that!
Directions: To release bursts of flavor, break Feline Urinary Support tablets into smaller pieces, then feed as a chewable treat or crumble on top of food. For extra discriminating tastes, mix with wet cat food. For best results, give one No-F.U.S tablet twice daily. For high maintenance cats, give one or two tablets twice daily.
*This product is not intended to furnish any significant source of crude protein, fat, fiber or moisture.
*This product is strictly a nutritional supplement and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate, or prevent any illness, disease or medical condition.
Ingredients: Dried Cranberry Juice Concentrate, Ascorbic Acid, dried extracts of Parsley (Petroselinum sativum), Corn Silk (Zea mays), Uva Ursi (Arcostaphylos uva-ursi), Couch Grass Root (Agropyron repens), Slippery Elm (Ulmus fulva), Butcher¹s Broom (Ruscus acluteatus).